Ok, so maybe it's been a while since my scrap room saw some actual scrapbooking....and my photo wall might be getting a little over loaded... but, I feel a new sense of motivation! So, watch out craft room... you're about to see a mess of supplies you aint never seen before!
And to start it off here is a Pink Paislee inspired layout.
A close up :)
You know me I can't make something without taking a ridiculously close photo of it!
This layout is titled 'Just a 26 yr old Kid'...
Sometimes life is confusing, eh? Heck, it's confusing all the time!
When I was younger I thought that one day you become an adult, as if some switch gets yanked and poof your a bona-fide Aaa-dult. Yep, really doesn't work like that does it?! I'm 26 and have been happily married for two years, I'm gainfully employed, married to a successful nice man, financially stable, responsible... and I'm a KID. I feel so young. I mean, I know I'm young... but, I mean I am so not ready for the 'next step'.... and I say that like I have any freakin' clue what the 'next step' is....my own kids?
Hmmm, maybe when I grow up.
I'll keep you posted when and if 'growing up' ever happens.
Adult is so over-rated!
Happy Scrapbooking Everyone!
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